I have truly missed Spring in the deep South. The 80 degree temperatures, the wind, and the sunshine are not universal standards in the US for Spring weather. I figure I’ve been gone a bit too long because it’s all just so beautiful right now. Daddy and I worked in the garden with Jim. We’ve planed potatoes (fingerling), onions (white, yellow, shallots, garlic), and turnip seeds. Mr. Mike was nice enough to help me dig up the herb garden. I’m super excited to plant this year since I can help design the layout and everything. I’ve sorted the plants that I want by height and by space needed to grow. My plan is to put the new mint on top of the old mint, and then go from there. I would absolutely love it if the elephant ears will cover some of the cilantro. That stuff bolts so fast, I’m hoping the the shade will slow it down, but who knows.
This doesn’t show any of the Witches’ garden that I want to plant. I’m envisioning Hyssop, Mugwhort, and maybe chamamile. The Mugwhort is invasive, so I’m going to put some pots near the mint on the back and grow it there and use the beds in the back of the house to grow the Hyssop and Chamimile. I’ve read that I should grwo chamamile with peppers, so I’m definately going to try that this year. The Olli class is winding down. We might have a party next week, so I’m excited about that. They have all been such an absolute joy, and I hope they all had a good time. I’m not sure what to offer during the Summer or if I should provide in the summer, but I’m sure it will be Apple related!! Ohhh, what about “Special Topics”—the class where the students create the curriculum. Imma think about it. :-)
Last night was the Super Bowl. It’s the first time in many years I’ve missed my yearly party with friends. I went with different friends this year, but it’s never the same.
All is good with family and friends. The farm is chugging along, I’m trying to stay fit and write and make enough money to live. As Three Six is so found of saying, “It ain’t easy being…,” well, a working person. I’m also remided of my best friend and her saying. “We’re poor people. This is what poor people do; they get up every morning and go to work.” I feel like I’m still getting up every morning and going to work, but the work is for zero money and respect. And please don’t get me wrong. I feel respected in almost every aspect of my life, I’m just really really conscious of the fact I’m working all day and not making significant money. The recent medical bills to fix me don’t help either. Speaking of significant money, the side writing is still paying in dollars a day (and not cents like it was last September). I’ve got two more books to wrap up a series just in time for Dorian’s MacBook Pro to die. As a person of limited means, I’m not sure how I’m going to fix that one. Right now, I’m using the iPad and getting pretty fab at pubishing on it. I’ll probably push to finish and bundle that series for sale in my back cateloge. The next question is what to work on next project wise. I’ve got two stories in the hopper —one in a lucritive genere and the other in a “write for me fun” genre. Because of the money issues, I’m seriously considering devloping the lucritive one first—which is sad, but it’s the state of things. Why am I not subbing you ask? That’s a great question I do not have an answer for. If I were truthful, I’d say its a combination of appathy and being gunshy from the last experience (which is one me—I chose it) and a severe case of apathy for the world in general. I’ve been watching for middle school and elementary, but have not pulled the trigger on any of it due to…meh Truth is truth. However, complaining never helped anything, so I’ll stop that and talk reality. I’m learning so much working at Olli with the folks on the My Apple Device curriculum. I’m super proud that the class is “built in flight” as the students help me decide what areas of knowledge they are going to cover and at what pace. I’ve spent, mmmnn, probably ten to fifteen hours designing the slide deck for this week. It’s a lot of time for this job, but I feel like I have a place building these types of self-paced curriculums for learning devices. So, I drink coffee, pray for my friends and their families, and thank the heavens I’m here in Mississippi taking care of Momma. She’s been feeling poorly lately, so it kind of exaserbates everything. I have to say that the old addage proved true. Students all over the world are exactly the same.
‘I got to sub at a local high school and I have to say, I had quite the good time. I worked with the basketball team and met some amazing scholars! Will I go back? Probably not. On the recommendation of a family friend, I’m going to center my efforts on elementary. I’m honestly not sure about that as anyone who has had me in class knows I’m not as experienced with that age group. On a personal note: I miss my husband and my kids. Staying at the farm is nice because the weather is so balmy and nice, but I miss them desperately. Momma and Daddy are doing really well on the hill. We had a great Sunday together with the Men’s Breakfast at Our Home Universalist Unitarian Church. There were lots of waffles and bacon, so it was actually a pretty awesome spread. Daddy and I made quice. They were amazing. |
April 2024
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